Iran: Families of PMOI (MEK) members arrested

NCRI – The Iranian regime has arrested a number of relatives of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Among those arrested on Monday February 18 are: Mrs. Akram Sanjari and her son Milad Yazdan-panah, Mrs. Donia Karimi and her 20 year old son Hanif Attarzadeh; and Asef Rezaeian who is under 18.

The agents did not give any explanation on the reason for their arrests.


Simultaneous with February 9th massive rocket attack on the Camp Liberty in Iraq that houses thousands of PMOI (MEK) members, the Iranian regime has intensified pressure and crackdown on supporters of PMOI(MEK) and families of residents of Camp Liberty and Ashraf  living in Iran.

Many PMOI family members have been imprisoned without any justifications.

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