Iran: Families Forced to Deny That Regime’s Intelligence Murdered Their Loved Ones


NCRI – The family of a prisoner murdered under torture by Iranian intelligence in Karaj Province, west of Tehran, has been threatened to declare their son died of natural causes.

Diyako Hashemi, 24, from the city of Kermanshah, west of Iran, was arrested upon returning from Finland. His dead body was handed over to his family 40 days after his death.

On May 25th, the Karaj Intelligence Department summoned Hashmi’s father to inform him of his son’s death and ordering him to bury him that very day. They demanded a written commitment from the father to not inform the media.

Karaj intelligence also delivered a letter to Amir Hashemi, Diyako’s father, threatening and forcing him to distribute the letter in his own name.

The letter reads:

“Following the death of my sons, foreign websites began spreading rumors about his death under torture by government entities. I expect anyone and any group making such rumors to provide evidence or stop spreading rumors without any evidence. My family and I have participated in all elections of the past 40 years to ensure the rise and perseverance of the Islamic republic.”

For the past week Karaj intelligence has increased its pressures, according Mr. Amir Hashemi, demanding he publish the letter under his own name. However, I say I will not publish this letter and if it is published anywhere I will accept no responsibility in this regard, he added.

Karaj intelligence have refused to permit the transfer of Diyako’s body to his hometown for a preferred burial. The family was forced to bury the body in Karaj’s “Behesht-e Sakine” cemetery without holding a ceremony.

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