Iran: Executions and mistreatment of prisoners soars following June election



NCRI – Executions have soared and conditions in prisons drastically worsened following Iran’s June presidential election, according to reports from inside the regime.

Political prisoner Ahmad Daneshpour Moqaddam is now said to have lost 30kg and be in a critical condition since his arrest on December 27, 2009.

His father Mohsen Daneshpour, mother Mottahareh Bahrami and wife Raihaneh Haj Ibrahim Dabagh were all arrested on the same day and transferred to Evin Prison.

Then 18 days later, officials said the entire family – who have relatives in Camps Ashraf and Liberty – had been sentenced to death, before announcing the sentences for the wife and mother had been commuted to 15-year and ten-year sentences each.Last week political prisoner Masha’allah Hamid Haeri – jailed for 15 years in December 2009 – was secretly transferred to Gohardasht Prison, Karaj, after spending 74 days in the solitary confinement in Tehran’s Evin prison.

Mr Haeri 58, a political prisoner from the 1980s and father of a Liberty resident, is now said to be suffering from severe heart and blood problems. He was sent several times to a hospital, but each time was returned to prison without receiving treatment.

A close relative said: “Prison officials took Haeri out of prison on the pretext of health issues and transferred him to Gohardasht Prison without allowing him to collect his clothes and personal belongings.”

Another political prisoner, Rasoul Bodaqi, who suffers from severe pain in the head and eye, has also been prevented from receiving medical treatment.

The inhumane condition in prisons, compounded by the ill-treatment of political prisoners serving undetermined sentences, have triggered frequent prison hunger strikes across Iran.

Abulfazl Abedini is one who is staging a hunger strike after his sudden transfer to Karoon Prison on July 27.

Mr Abedini was arrested in February 2010 and sentenced to 12 years with physical torture by the Revolutionary Court in Ahvaz.

Three other prisoners, imprisoned by the agents of Ministry of Intelligence in Ahvaz have been on hunger strike from July 10 in protest to the continuous pressure and torture.

Their trial has now been postponed due to their critical physical conditions.

The three are all members of the Youth Culture in Ahvaz, and accused of participating in the explosion of a gas pipe line in the city of Shoush, southern Iran. They all deny the charges.

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