Iran: EU strongly condemns stoning sentences

eu-flag150NCRI – The EU rotary president France in a statement on behalf of the entire bloc called on the mullahs' regime to call off execution by stoning of eight women and a man in Iran.
Rights groups in Tehran said the nine were convicted in separate cases in Iranian cities and could be executed at any time.
Under mullahs' penal codes, an individual sentenced to death by stoning, if a man should be buried up to his waist, while a woman is buried up to her neck. Stones are thrown until the condemned dies.

"The European Union calls on the Iranian government and parliament to abolish, in law and in practice, recourse to cruel and degrading punishment and, in particular the use of stoning, as a method of execution," said the statement issued by France as  EU's current  president.

The EU urged Tehran to "to put an immediate stop to these executions and to commute the death sentences by stoning that have just been passed."

Stoning is still imposed, but it has been mostly carried out in hiding since Mohammad Khatami, mullahs' former president, strongly recommended it to improve the regime's image abroad.

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