Iran: escalating pressure on political prisoners


NCRI – According to reports received from inside Iran, on the fifth of September 2016, Evin prison guards prevented political prisoner and supporter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) Alireza Golipoor from going to the hospital only because he refused to wear prison uniform.

Some news revealed that it has been over a month since this prisoner’s medical care has been discontinued leading to the deterioration of his current physical condition. The reason for this suspension is his rejection to write a statement of repentance and regret.

Political prisoner Alireza Golipoor was born on the eleventh of April 1986 in Tehran. He was studying PhD in telecommunications, was a senior employee in the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and also a member of the National Association of Iranian Elite. He was arrested on the second of October 2012 and was detained 4 months without any decision. He was finally sentenced at the beginning of this year to 39 years and 9 months imprisonment in addition to 174 slashes for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) and also for exposing Iran’s nuclear project and the corruption of government authorities.

In another report, Gohardasht prison guards augmented pressure on political prisoner Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh by refusing to provide him his medication. After his leave, Mr. Ebrahim Zadeh had acquired specific medication at a high cost for the different health problems he was suffering from but prison guards confiscated his medication and only allowed a small amount be returned to him with delay.

Furthermore and against the principle of separation of offenses, political prisoner Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh was transferred to the “Dar-Al-Ghoraan” section after his return, a section where dangerous convicts are incarcerated.

According to another report from Zahedan, prison authorities, and a notorious torturer in particular by the name of Mahmood Sargol Zehi, have increased pressures on political prisoner Vahid Houd.

Prison guards transferred this political prisoner to another section for no particular reason and have placed him with dangerous convicts and drug addicts. Because of the overcrowded cell, he is forced to sleep on the ground and has been deprived to interact with other prisoners.

Born in 1987, political prisoner Vahid Houd was arrested in March 2013 when Intelligence officers stormed his house. After his arrest, this political prisoner was transferred to solitary confinement in Ministry Intelligence’s detention. He was severely tortured for 3 months in MOIS’ detentions in Chabahar and Zahedan.

MOIS’ interrogators forged files and sent them to 3 different branches of the Revolution Court. As a result, this political prisoner was given a total sentence of 35 years and 6 months in addition to a 50 million Toman fine.

It is important to note that political prisoner Vahid Houd was one of the signatories of the Statement of political prisoners of Zahedan Central Prison addressing the big gathering of Iranians in Paris. The signatories of the statement urged Iranians to participate in this gathering and represent the voice of political prisoners in Iran.

Another report describes that in another appalling policy coordinated by the Iranian regime against political prisoners and to prepare the ground for their oppression, prisoners of section 8 of hall 10 in Evin prison attacked political prisoner Behnam Moussivand on September fifth and injured his head. 


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