Iran: Eight more prisoners hanged on Thursday

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s judiciary in the central province of Arak announced on Thursday that five prisoners were hanged in the city’s prison, while three prisoners were also hanged in northwestern city of Ardebil.

The prisoners hanged in Arak were identified only by their initials and ages: A.K, 25; P.Y, 24; A.A,37; A.T, 35; M.A, 29. Those hanged in Ardebil were not identified.

They had been all sentenced to death on drug related charges.

The number of those executed following the regime’s sham presidential election has reached over 100, of which many were under the age of 18 at the time of their alleged crime, and a number of others were women.

On August 19 Gholam-Hossein Mohseni-Eje’i, spokesman of the regime’s judiciary, made threats in his remarks and said, “There will be a firm approach towards those creating insecurity in the society.”

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