Iran: Dozens of students summoned to the disciplinary committee

NCRI – In the past week dozens of students at Teacher's Education School have been summoned to the school's disciplinary committee in Karaj, some 40 kilometer west of the capital.

A sit-in was staged by 6,000 students, many on hunger strike too, in the school protesting to pressures by the school administration last May. It ended when the government appointed officials agreed to the students' terms. However, shortly after the agreement, the disciplinary committee began summoning dozens of the student activists.

To date, 8 students have been banned from enrolling for two semesters.

The mullahs' regime set a pattern of first giving into students' demands, fearing widespread students' protests, then in time backs off from the agreements with them and on top of it active students are summoned by the disciplinary committees and often by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS). 

Students at Polytechnic University of Tehran, Shiraz University in the southern city of Shiraz, Sahand in the northwestern city of Tabriz are a few of such higher education schools  in the country with the same fate last year.

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