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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran: Dozens executed as repression mounts

Iran: Dozens executed as repression mounts


The Iranian regime’s henchmen have executed at least 22 prisoners in one of the many prisons in Iran during the three day period of May 23-25.

The victims that were hanged in Ghezel Hessar prison in the city of Karaj included nine men who were identified as: Mohammad Barani, Asghar Koshki, Haj Ahmad Ibarahimi, Massoud Zibaei, Karim Bagheri, Ahmad Rabdoust, Abbas Ameri, Bakhshi Bameri Fooladzehi and Mehran Balouchzahi.

The Iranian regime’s media has not published any information about the group executions that have been carried out.

Earlier this year, the United Nations described the number of executions in Iran as “deeply troubling”.

From May 19 to 21, the clerical regime in Iran executed 37 people in prisons or on the streets of various cities.

Three prisoners were executed in public in the cities of Qouchan, Minab and Shiraz. The execution in Minab was carried out in a football field in the town to further intensify the atmosphere of fear among the youth. In Shiraz, a prisoner that was condemned to death and about to be executed received 111 lashes.

Just on May 20 and 21, twenty-four prisoners were executed in three group hangings in Ghezel Hessar and Gohardasht prisons in Karaj. Eight of those who were hanged in the early morning hours of Thursday, May 21, in Ghezel Hessar Prison were prisoners who had protested against the wave of collective and secret executions in this prison on 17 August 2014 in order to stop the execution of a number of their cellmates and had clashed with prison guards.

Execution of nine prisoners in two group hangings took place in prisons in Shiraz and Arak on May 19 plus another prisoner in the central prison of Arak are the other crimes of this regime during this time span.

The executions are aimed at raising the atmosphere of terror in the society in order to prevent any public expression of dissent in the country.

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