Iran: Deterioration of Political Prisoner’s Health on the 45th Day of Hunger Strike


NCRI – On Thursday December 8, the political prisoner Arash Sadeghi in his 45th day of hunger strike was transferred to the prison infirmary due to severe breathing problems and heart palpitations to be connected to an oxygen device. Prison infirmary doctor described his condition as very worrying.

He has been transferred to the prison clinic several times in the past weeks and each night requires using oxygen machine. He has lost nearly 18kg since the start of his hunger strike and his blood pressure has dropped drastically.

This political prisoner has lost the power of speech and movement to some extent and in the last few days was also taken to the hospital after “bringing up blood clots”, though was eventually returned to the prison without treatment.

It should be pointed out that Arash Sadeghi started a hunger strike forty-five days ago to protest against the inhuman prison conditions and arrest of his wife without reason.

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