Iran: “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to dictator” chants in Karaj’s Gohardasht Prison

On the morning of Saturday, January 25 dozens of special guard forces raided room 12 in Ward 4 of Karaj’s Gohardasht Prison and harassed the political prisoners in this ward. The political prisoners, in reaction to the brutal raid, chanted “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to dictator” and “Death to tyrant” slogans.

The suppressive forces, in fear of the protest spreading throughout the prison hastily pulled out of room 12. In this vicious raid, criminals such as Bahraini, prison intelligence chief; Amirian, prison deputy; and Aghai took part and led the attack against the political prisoners.

The raid took place in reaction to the protest of the political prisoners about the broadcast of parasite on Gohardasht Prison’s room 12 in Ward 4, the deprivation of medical treatment for the inmates and the closing of the library that was established by the inmates.

Most of the political prisoners in Gohardasht Prison have warned the Ministry of Intelligence agents that if their demands are not met and the tortures are not stopped and the pressures are not lifted, they will resort to protesting measures, including refraining from accepting food rations. On Saturday, 2 November 2013, the political prisoners in room 12 of Ward 4 in the Gohardasht Prison went on hunger strike in protest to the broadcasting of parasite.

The mullahs’ henchmen in the Gohardasht Prison have from a long time ago broadcasted parasite on the political prisoners’ ward. From mid-October new devices have been added to the parasite broadcasting equipment. This inhumane action, which is intended to cut off telephone lines and interrupt any telephone communications from the prison in order to prevent the leak of news from the prison, has seriously endangered the lives of the inmates. The broadcast of parasite, which can cause cancer, and other suppressive measures and pressures and limitations, has turned this prison into a place where the prisoners suffer a gradual death.

In recent days, the health of political prisoner Mohammad BanazadehAmirkhizi, 67, as a result of the parasite broadcasts has turned for the worst. He who is one of the imprisoned PMOI supporters, lost his balance during transfer to the prison clinic and fell to the ground fracturing his arm and shoulder and suffering wounds to the head. The henchmen, despite his fractured arm and his need for a surgery, have left this elderly prisoner without any treatment and are preventing any medical care for him.

On 10 January, a 70 year-old Iraqi Kurdish prisoner by the name of Marouf Aziz, was transferred to the hospital as a result of the parasite broadcasts.

The broadcast of parasite is only one of the tortures and pressures that are constantly imposed on the political prisoners in this death camp. This is a catastrophic situation that not only hasn’t improved during the mullah Rouhani’s term, yet rather it has intensified. As a result of the tortures and dire prison conditions the inmates are suffering from various illnesses.

The Iranian Resistance calls on all international organizations, especially the Human Rights Council, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, rapporteurs on Arbitrary Detentions and Torture and the Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran to take urgent action for the release of the political prisoners and to stop the inhumane pressures and tortures against the prisoner.


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