Iran: Cutting medical services to a death row inmate for wearing a T-Shirt in Gohardasht Prison

NCRI – Alireza Karami-Khirabadi a 57-year-old death row inmate in the notorious Gohardasht Prison, some 40 kilometers west of Tehran has been denied emergency medical treatment for wearing a short-sleeve T-Shirt.

In a letter form his cell he wrote, "Khadem, a warden for cell block number two recently was only demoted to the prison manager for having an affair with a female prisoner. However, if a common citizen committees such crimes, he would be condemned [by the mullahs' laws] to stoning. We have leaned over the years that the mullahs' agents are above their own law."

"I was not transferred to the prison's clinic on the direct order of Khadem for wearing a T-shirt," added Khirabadi.

It has been common place for the mullahs' officials to have each a long record of immoral behaviors tacking advantage of their positions. The must recent has been the case of Hassan Madadi, vice-president of Zanjan University. He tried to take advantage of a female student by calling her to his office on apparent disciplinary charges.

Three thousand students gathered outside the school's gym on June 15 in protest to his ethical misconduct.

In protest to Madadi, the vice-president, the students broke the widows and called for the resignation of the school's president, Nadaf, and his deputy.

The school was in a period of final exams. However, the students refuse to show up for classes.

Another recent infamous case has been that of the Brig. Gen. Reza Zarei, the State Security Force (SSF) – mullahs' suppressive police – chief in Tehran Province for abusing his power by being cut in an unethical seen; and the goes on.


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