Iran: Crackdown on internet cafes in Sanandaj

NCRI – The State Security Forces (SSF) – mullahs' suppressive police — Small Businesses Task Force, cracked down on internet cafes in the western city of Sanandaj on Thursday. 

The police units virtually tore down the cafes into pieces and beat up the customers primarily youths spending time in these places in summer leisure time.

The SSF Chastity Units in line with the so-called "boosting public security plan," effective April 2007, make arrests of the youngsters deemed appearing immodest in public.

The SSF in 2007 closed down 24 Internet cafes and other coffee shops, arresting 23 people, state-run media reported then.

Colonel Nader Sarkari, a SSF official told IRNA news agency that in a single day 435 coffee shops have been inspected, 170 had been warned and "23 people were detained", adding 11 of them were women in Tehran.

"Using immoral computer games, storing obscene photos … and the presence of women wearing improper dresses were among the reasons why they have been closed down," Sarkari said.

The cafe crackdowns coincide at that time with a new wave of suppression of women under the pretext of "improper dress".

The so-called "boosting public security plan" was first introduced in April 2007 to combat popular uprisings. Mass street arrests of hundreds of thousands of women and youth under the pretext of "mal-veiling" and cracking down on "thugs and hooligans" followed. In the same period, more than 300 prisoners were sent to gallows.


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