Iran: Crackdown and arrests in Laleh Park

laleh-park150NCRI – The State Security Forces (SSF) — mullahs' suppressive police –enforcing the so-called "boosting public security plan" began a massive operation under the pretext of sweeping drug addicts from Laleh Park, one of Tehran's most crowded parks in downtown. The SSF agents crackdown on mostly drug addicts, beating and wounding a number of them. Many were arrested and taken to unknown locations.

The attack provoked public hatred for the mullahs' inhuman regime. Citizens passing through the park protested to the treatment of addicts many of them were not able to stand on their own feet. 

The so-called "boosting public security plan" was first introduced in April 2007 to combat popular uprisings. Mass street arrests of hundreds of thousands of women and youth under the pretext of "mal-veiling" and cracking down on "thugs and hooligans" followed. In the same period, more than 300 prisoners were sent to gallows.

Mullahs' human rights violations cannot be evaluated by customary standards. On July 25, in the notorious Tehran Evin prison 29 prisoners were sent to gallows. The action brought unanimous condemnation by the international community for the ruling clerics in Iran. However, it made no difference when the following week the regime's henchmen hanged 10 more prisoners to set another record high even by their own standards.


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