Iran COVID-19 Crisis: Sharp Rise in Death Toll Particularly in Tehran, Regime Continues to Blame People Instead of Acting

Coronavirus has taken the lives of more than 10000 in Tehran

There has been a sharp rise in the COVID-19 death toll in Iran, particularly in the capital Tehran. The regime’s criminal decision to send people back to work and reopen social commuting and religious sites has indeed increased the death toll.  

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) announced on Thursday: “Based on specific statistics from dozens of hospitals out of 138 that accept Coronavirus patients in Tehran province, and figures from cemeteries, the death toll for Coronavirus in Tehran Province with a population of 14 million far exceeds 10,000, bringing the number of victims in 323 cities to more than 47,500.”  

According to the MEK, between February 20, until May 21, some 4,875 individuals have died of the coronavirus in 18 out of 138 hospitals in Tehran that accept Coronavirus patients. In addition, the statistics obtained from dozens of hospitals and cemeteries in Tehran province suggest there have been over 10,000 deaths out of Tehran’s 14 million population.  

Instead of acting, the Iranian regime’s officials, with President Hassan Rouhani and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei at their forefront, have been either downplaying or covering up the COVID-19 crisis in Iran or blaming people. Yet they fail to answer for concealing the virus existence in Iran, leaving people uninformed, and for refusing to quarantine the society when news of the virus leaked out. Who then forced the people to go to work but the regime? 

Anoushirevan Mohseni, the regime’s governor of Tehran Province, blatantly said on Tuesday: “The average number of Coronavirus deaths in the country is 8.5%, and in Tehran Province, it is 3.5%.”  

Meanwhile, Alireza Zali, the Head of the National Coronavirus Combat Task Force, said: “In the past 24 hours, we have witnessed the infection of 265 people and a relative increase of 3.5 percent.” 

While the regime’s healthcare officials complain about shortage of medical equipment and the regime’s apologists try to blame sanctions for it, Rouhani on Wednesday said: In the case of the Coronavirus, Iran is on the list of successful countries in the fight against this dangerous virus … In the severe situation related to the Coronavirus pandemic, we have had no issues about hospital beds, special and ICU beds, nor have we had any problems with the ventilation units.”  

In another shameless act, Iraj Harirchi, in an interview with state television on May 25, said: “44% of people in Tehran did not comply, and ultimately Tehran is our Achilles heel in many of these cases. Unfortunately, Tehran is in the worst situation in terms of compliance with [health] protocols. In particular, the outskirts of Tehran are crowded, and there are some side issues in those places, as well as some of the ceremonies that are being held. 

Before Harirchi, Rouhani himself, during a call with his Interior Minister, Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli, on May 25 said: “I have received reports from several provinces, where the spread of the virus has increased due to people’s disregard for health protocols.” 

Meanwhile, the state-run IRNA news agency on May 25 wrote: “The difficult economic conditions caused us to relax social distancing and under the rubric of smart social distancing, which created a new environment for the spread of the pandemic. We do not have a specific treatment and standard to deal with those infected. The medical personnel are exhausted and extremely fatigued because of the heavy pressure of their work in recent months.”  

In this regard, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council Of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), had said: Insolence and projecting blame on others will go on ceaselessly until the regime is overthrown and is a well-known pattern of the anti-human mullahs who are the main culprits for death and destruction in occupied Iran.”  

For Khamenei and Rouhani, the lives and well-being of the people are worthless. They only want to protect their regime from the threat of uprising. The criminal decision to send people to work is a crime against humanity and will cause countless number of victims of COVID-19 in Iran,” Mrs. Rajavi had earlier stated.  

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