Iran COVID-19 Crisis: Poor People Are Victims of Regime’s Criminal Policy of Forcing People Back to Work

Iran COVID-19 Crisis: Poor People Are Victims of Regime’s Criminal Policy of Forcing People Back to Work
According to the regime’s 2017 estimate, Iran has a population of 19 million “slum dwellers” in large cities, which is one of the biggest threats to the coronavirus outbreak

The Iranian regime’s criminal policy of reopening the economy amid the coronavirus outbreak has added to the tremendous pressure on the poor peopleleaving them to choose between starvation to death or dying because of the COVID-19 pandemic 

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced on Wednesday  that the coronavirus death toll in 319 cities across Iran has ached exceeded 43,100. There is a rapid and shocking rise of the number of those infected or who have lost their lives due to COVID-19 

Instead of helping people to stay in quarantine, the regime forced people back to work. The quarantining period, without the government’s financial support, was quickly resulting in more people joining the army of hungries; and this could have resulted in a nationwide uprising. To avoid this, the regime’s officials, particularly Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani, forced people back to work, to keep their grasp on power.  

Now instead of helping poor people who must work to earn their daily bread, the regime’s officials are blaming them for spreading the virus. The question is, who has forced them to work?  

The state-run daily of the Iranian regime called the “Eghtesad Saramad” wrote on Wednesday: “The impoverished class is the main conduit to transfer the virus. As mobile carriers, they will be present everywhere because if they do not work daily, they will die from starvation. For them, isolation and quarantine are meaningless; it makes no difference whether they die from the Coronavirus or from hunger.” 

In a similar article on Wednesday, the state-run daily Hamdeli wrote: “Based on recent assessments, the poverty line for a four-member-family has reached nine million Tomans. Considering that the minimum wage for a large segment of Iranian families, whether employees or workers, is 2.8 million Tomans, there is a six–million-Toman gap between what employed citizens receive and the poverty line across the country.” 

Since the first days of the coronavirus outbreak, the regime’s president Rouhani has been continuing a campaign of lying and deception.  

Now as the regime’s state-run media admit to the fact that poor people are losing their lives on daily basis and regime’s decision will increase the number of infections and death, Rouhani, again claimed with lies: “We have been progressing step by step in the past three months with no relapse anywhere. 

In this regard, Mrs. Maraym Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said: “While the backs of working people and deprived citizens are bent under the weight of poverty and the Coronavirus, Rouhani claims that the country has been making progress step-by-step in the past three months and that there has been no relapse anywhere. No-one takes the preposterous claim by the regime’s president seriously. He has founded the Party of Lies. 

These lies can in no way hide the painful reality of Iranian society from the eyes of any neutral observer. 

Now, the people’s conflict with the regime has forced some of the regime’s experts to admit to the Iranian society’s explosiveness.  

Saeed Moidfar, a sociologist in Iran’s regime, told the state-run Etemad Online website that the mullahs’ regime is doomed. The convict is aware of himself and knows that nothing, but destruction awaits him, and he only tries to delay his destruction by continuing his wrong path. Etemad Online, May 17, 2020) 

Moidfar concluded: “What has troubled the system is its behavior; it is a framework that it has created for itself and closed all the doors of change to itself and has accelerated in the wrong direction that society and it will bring down the country.”  

The mullahs’ regime is in a social and economic deadlock and besieged by all kinds of crises, including the coronavirus outbreak, increasing international isolation, economic pressure, and social dissatisfaction. 

The widespread dissatisfaction and uprisings of the Iranian people, especially the recent uprisings in November 2019 and January 2020, led by the organized Iranian Resistance (the MEK Resistance Units) across the country, are leading the regime to its inevitable fate of overthrow.  

As Mrs. Rajavi said: Today, regime change in Iran is indispensable not only to freedom and democracy in Iran but also to the health of each and every individual in Iran and to the protection of their houses, cities and villages against natural disasters. 

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