Iran: Condemning repressive measures against two Kurdish female political prisoners


Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran condemns repressive measures against Ms. Afsaneh Bayazid and Ms. Hajar Piri, two Kurdish political prisoners. It asks international authorities for advocating human rights and women rights to take urgent action to address situation of all female political prisoners in Iran and to stop imposing pressures on them.

These two Kurdish female political prisoners were arrested in Naghadeh and Mahabad (western Iran) on the charge of ‘acting against security’ and ‘propaganda against the regime’. Currently they are held in the central prison of Kerman (southern Iran) in exile. In order to increase pressures on them, the prison guards have placed them in the ward for ordinary prisoners. On November 28 Ministry of Intelligence agents raided their cell and humiliated and insulted them, and took some of their belongings.

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 2 , 2016


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