Iran: Cell phone inspections in the streets

cell-phone150NCRI – The State Security Forces – mullahs' suppressive police – announced on Wednesday that its agents will inspect cell phones in the streets of the northeastern province of Azerbaijan, reported the state-run news agency Shahab News.

"Cell phone police" will stop teenagers on the streets to inspect their phones for prevention of "vice."

"The SSF agents are authorized to inspect cell phones of the suspects in the streets. The police have made it clear that the move has been designed to combat 'blue tooth immorality'," Shahab news added.

It is not clear that the SSF is intending to implement the act nationwide. However, last year when for the first time the idea was introduced by the mullahs' regime it provoked strong reaction from the Iranian people.

Malik Ajdar-Sharifi, prosecutor general in Azerbaijan threatened to "deal firmly" with those "immoralities" passing messages and pictures through the cell phones.

"The SSF is responsible for enforcing the law," Ajdar-Sharifi said.

"I asked Bassij [paramilitary] force also do its outmost to discover and take action against those using cell phones to pass on messages," the prosecutor added.

Mirza-Mohammadi, Secretary of the Headquarters Fighting Special Crimes Task Force said, "Let me make it clear that 'blue tooth immorality' amounts to waging 'war on God' and 'being corrupt on Earth' which is punishable by death."

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