Iran: Brides should appear ‘modest’ in public

NCRI – Brig. Gen. Ahmad Roosbehani, chief of the mullahs' Ethics Police warned "brides to appear modest in public," reported the state-run news agency ILNA on Wednesday.

"Police will deal firmly with wedding caravans causing noise pollution and brides deemed dressed improperly in public," Roosbehani said.

He said that police will not tolerate any illegal behavior by wedding caravans on the streets especially blowing horns and acting improperly in public. The Ethics' Police will deal with the violators swiftly.

Under the pretext of "boosting public security plan," the mullahs' suppressive police have cracked down on youths in Iran. It was first introduced in April 2007.

The plan's real goal was to combat increased popular uprisings. Mass street arrests of hundreds of thousands of women and youth under the pretext of "mal-veiling" and cracking down on "thugs and hooligans" followed. In the same period, more than 300 prisoners were sent to gallows.

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