Iran: Arrest of 40 young boys and girls in north eastern city.




NCRI – In an interview with state-run Fars news agency on Monday October 3, Seyd Ali Akbar Hosseini, Basij (mobilization force) commander in the city of Neishabur (Nishapur, eastern Iran), referring to the repressive measures taken by the Basij forces in the past week said: “During this time, with close intelligence monitoring, two parties (celebrations) were identified and the participants were arrested.”

“In the first party held in a garden, 14 men and 8 women were identified and arrested,” he added.

The Basij commander also warned the families of the arrested young boys and girls to control their children’s commuting and said the verdict for the detainees has not been issued yet and they have been released on bail.

Referring to identifying the second party, he emphasized: “In the second party, 11 men along with 7 women were arrested in a garden in Neishabur and these people are now being prosecuted and their sentences will soon be issued.

The Basij commander also announced the arrest of 8 others under the pretext of drugs.

He pointed out the measures taken by this repressive organ against people under the pretext of disrupting the public security and said: “We will deal severely according to the law with those who place their garden at the disposal of party organizers.”

It should be noted that the Iranian regime has been putting pressure on youths and arresting them under various pretexts including participation in parties and celebrations in order to create atmosphere of fear and contain social protests.


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