Iran: Arbitrary arrests continue

The Iranian regime has launched a new round of arbitrary arrests of different sectors of the society including professors, labors and religious minorities.

The revolutionary court in the city of Mashhad summoned a retired professor and then transferred him to Vakil Abad Prison. This arrest follows his refusal to pay a 2 million fine that was issued for him in court. 

Hashem Khastar had also been previously arrested and spent time behind bars.

On Saturday, November 23, security forces arrested family and relatives of Avian Othmani, following their appreciation from people who participated in her funeral ceremony.

Avian Othmani was a 17-year-old girl from the city of Baneh, who had gone on a trip outside the city with her fiancé and relatives on Thursday, November 21 and was shot dead by the security forces.

In the city of Isfahan, 4 workers of poly Acryl factory were also arrested at dawn of Thursday, November 21 and transferred to the town of Dastgerd, 13 kilometers north of the city of Isfahan.

Javad Lotfi, Abbas Haqiqi, Kiumars Rahimi and Ahmad Saberi were arrested following the second round of protests of labors at this factory.

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