Iran: Arash Sadeghi’s Father Stages Hunger Strike to Support His Son


NCRI – Hossein Sadeghi, father of political prisoner Arash Sadeghi, staged hunger strike to support his son. Mr. Sadeghi said: “My son Arash in his 67th day of hunger strike is experiencing moment to moment struggle with death. On Monday, December 26, Arash was urgently transferred to Taleghani hospital in Tehran due to his deteriorating health condition and underwent medical examination. The hospital’s doctors said my son was in extremely dire health condition and in a written report warned about my son’s «dangerous heart condition and risk of cardiac arrest, and danger of coma and even death».”

The suffering father continued: “Now, since last Friday, December 23, I staged a hunger strike to protest the authorities lack of attention to address the demands of my child, and to protest keeping him incommunicado and denying him visit with his wife, and also to support his hunger strike and legitimate demands. I demand his dire condition be addressed and his demands be met. I call on all to be the voice of my son, his wife and other imprisoned loved ones (political prisoners).”

It should be mentioned that political prisoner Arash Sadeghi staged an indefinite hunger strike on November 24 to protest unjustified arrest of his wife, Golrokh Ebrahimi Iraie, and unlawful process of their (himself and his wife) arrest and trial. He is now in critical health condition after 67 days of hunger strike but reiterates on continuing his hunger strike until his rights are respected and his demands are met.


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