Iran: A sixty-year-old man’s hand will be amputated

NCRI – Iranian Mullahs’ judiciary confirmed that a 60-year-old man’s hand should be amputated as his punishment for stealing, reported the state-run daily Iran on Tuesday.

The judge did not consider his age or poor heath when sentenced him to three years prison, 74 lashes and amputation of his right hand.

Iran regime approves of the degrading and cruel punishments when his ambassador to Span defends such actions before the international community.

Iran regime’s ambassador to Spain compared chopping off the hands of victims to a "surgeon amputating a limb to prevent the spread of gangrene. "  He argued that the death penalty was necessary "to preserve the health of society as a whole." Salehi said that the Iran’s judiciary had decided to carry out execution and stoning less in public to prevent images of hanging and stoning in public squares being broadcast around the world.

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