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Iran: A Political Prisoner’s Letter to the UN Rapporteur, Warning About the Killings


NCRI – The political prisoner of Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) prison of Karaj – Western Tehran, in a letter to the UN Rapporteur Asemeh Jahangir, warns about the human rights condition and in particular the killing of political prisoners in Iran.

Khaled Hardani at first asks: why the political prisoners should be suppressed and why the number of executions is growing in the wake of sham elections.

He also referred to the unrelenting pressure exerted on the political prisoners and stated: “the prisoners have been suffering from mental tortures for the past days. The authorities spread unfounded rumors in prison and the heating systems have cut out in cells.”

He further added: “one of the prison guards told a political prisoner that we will not make the same mistake as Shah did at the end of his reign in Iran; otherwise we would face the same fate in the future. Accordingly, the authorities are preparing a systematic program with the same logic to continue the repressions and tortures in prisons.”

He then says: “the hall 12 of Gohardasht (Rajai Shahr) prison has become like an iron-cement fort that has no window to breathe. No prisoner is allowed to amble in prison yard to have some fresh air. The prisoners have lost their sight and been suffering from chronic headaches due to injuries.”

Khaled Hardani also mentions the suspicious deaths in prison and writes: “in the last few months we witnessed a number of political prisoners who died suspiciously in prison. Shahrokh Zamani, Akbar Mohammadi, Mansour Radpour, Mohsen Dogmechi, Afshin Osanloo, Mehdi Zaliyeh, Alireza Karami Kheirabadi, and so on had similar fate.

Kidnapping the political prisoners from the infirmary and meeting halls was another method of torturing them. The political prisoner Ali Moezzi was similarly tortured as well. He was transferred from the meeting hall of the prison to an undisclosed location.”

Khaled Hardani also writes about the food and drug supplies that fell short of the minimum standards.

He noted that the shock wave or tsunami of executions in prisons and the massacres of ordinary political prisoners or those who were juvenile when committing the so called crime represent a crisis. The Islamic Republic of Iran neither respects the international and Islamic laws nor the humanity. It violates the human rights blatantly.

This political prisoner at the end referred to the resistance of inmates and writes:”the political prisoners have always said no to executions, tortures, arbitrary arrests and prison, plundering national investments, the widespread rents, moral and administrative corruptions, repression of religious and ethnic minorities, the repression of women and girls, launching rockets as well as the regime’s adventures in the countries of the region. They have been constantly fought against such crimes and sacrificed their lives in this way.”