Iran: A man sentenced to death by stoning

NCRI – The mullahs’ judiciary has approved the death sentence for an Iranian music teacher, Abdollah Farivar, by stoning in the northern city of Sari.

The 49-year-old teacher has two children and is the second victim to face the brutal and medieval punishment in past eight months in Iran. Another man, Jafar Kiani, was stoned to death in the western city of Qazvin last July.

  The clerical regime’s Penal Code prescribes execution by stoning. It even dictates that the stones are large enough to cause pain, but not so large as to kill the victim instantly. Article 102 of the Penal Code states that men should be buried up to their waists and women up to their breasts for the purpose of execution by stoning. Article 104 states, with reference to the penalty for adultery, that the stones used should "not be large enough to kill the person by one or two strikes; nor should they be so small that they could not be defined as stones."
There are nine women and two men waiting the cruel stoning as their punishment.  The growing number of executions and stoning which has nothing to do with Islam, in addition to export of terrorism and fundamentalism to Iraq, and efforts to obtain nuclear weapons are the means for the faltering regime to continue its existence.

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