Iran: A man hanged in Hamadan

NCRI – The mullahs' inhuman regime hanged a man identified only by his first name as Nosrat in the western city of Hamadan, reported the state-run daily Etemaad on Saturday.
The mullahs' regime executed more people than any other country in the world per capita so far this year.

The European Parliament (EP) expressed deep concern over human right violations in Iran especially execution of juveniles on September 4.

"Having regard to the Declaration of 29 July, 2008, by the Presidency on behalf of the European Union on the execution of 29 people in Evin prison in Iran,
Having regard to Council declaration of 25 August 2008 on the execution by hanging of Reza Hejazi,
Having regard to the statement of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on the imminent execution of Behnood Shojaee and of Bahman Soleimanian on 19 and 28 August 2008," the final statement said.

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