Iran: A man beaten to death in Isfahan prison

NCRI – Following a brief riot in prison in the central city of Isfahan, the rioters were sent to salutary confinement cells on October 18.

One of the prisoners suspect of starting the protests in the jail identified as Reza Shojaii was tortured to death by his jail keepers.


NCRI – Following a brief riot in prison in the central city of Isfahan, the rioters were sent to salutary confinement on October 18.

One of the prisoners suspect of starting the protests in the jail identified as Reza Shojaii was tortured to death by his jail keepers.

It all began on Sunday morning when the prison warden ordered an all-out search of the cellblocks for an alleged smuggled camcorder. Many inmates were beaten up by the guards for resisting the search.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Special Units were called to suppress the prison riot.

When they were done, two prisoners were critically wounded and transferred to the facility's clinic.

Later Shojaii was transferred to Alzahra Hospital in Isfahan where he pronounced dead upon his arrival.

Mansour Lohi, another prisoner, survived but his fellow inmate Reza Shojaii died due to multiple blows to his head.

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