Iran: 60 arrested during raid at a party in western Tehran

Iran: Men arrested in a party

NCRI – Police in Tehran has arrested at least 60 men and women during a raid at a mixed gender party in west of the capital on Friday.

A group of 40 men and 20 women were arrested at a party in Tehransar, a neighborhood in western Tehran, following a raid on the party that was being held in a sports club, state-run DefaPress reported.

“In the party which was held in a sports club advanced lighting equipment were used,” Samad Assadi, the commander of Tehransar police said.

The raid was carried out after information were provided on the party by the intelligence of Basij, the paramilitary repressive force of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), the report said.

The surge in arrests under these pretexts, humiliating punishments and executions, among other violations of human rights in Iran since Hassan Rouhani has become president, are aimed at spreading fear and intimidation among the public, particularly to the youth.

Meanwhile, on Monday, the U.N.’s special investigator on Iran said in Geneva that the human rights situation and repression of Iranian women and activists has worsened since Hassan Rouhani became president in 2013.

Dr. Ahmed Shaheed said “in my view the overall situation has worsened, as indicated by the surge in executions.”

Shaheed told reporters in Geneva on Monday that 753 death sentences were carried out in Iran last year, compared with 580 in 2012.

Some 1,400 individuals have been executed in Iran since Hassan Rouhani became the clerical regime’s president in June 2013.

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