Iran: 3 prisoners hanged in public in 3 locations in Alborz province

20140226-publichangingThe Iranian regime hanged three prisoners on Wednesday morning in public in three locations in Alborz province.

Arsalan A., 26, was hanged in Mehrshahr district of Karaj. Habib J, 26 was hanged in a public square in Nazrabad. Habib Y. was hanged in a public square in Shahrgerd.

The executions carried out after the United Nations said on Friday “the surge in the use of the death penalty that has dampened hopes for human rights reforms under President Hassan Rouhani.”

“It appears at least in the past seven weeks that in fact executions have been scaled up,” U.N. human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani told a news briefing.

“We regret that the new government has not changed its approach to the death penalty and continues to impose capital punishment for a wide range of offences. We urge the government to immediately halt executions and to institute a moratorium.”

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