Iran: 1,000 workers at Dena Tire & Rubber on strike

Iran: 1,000 workers at Dena Tire & Rubber on strikeNCRI – 1,000 workers of Dena Tire and Rubber Company went on strike over pay dispute with the management since last week in the southern city of Shiraz.

On Monday, the striking workers gathered on company grounds demanding their unpaid salaries and benefits for the past three months and an amount owed to them by the management from the last year (Persian calendar year starting March 21).

It has become a habit for the mullahs' regime to steal from what little the workers make toward the end of the year. The mostly government appointed managements in factories and workshops across the country often put-off salary payments to their workers anywhere from a few months to a year.

The fulltime workers and their part-time colleagues in fear of losing their jobs do not follow the defer payments on the part of the management until very late every year.

Dena Tire and rubber MFG. Co was founded by a group of companies in 1974 under the name of  "Bridgestone Iran" with investment and technological cooperation of "Bridgestone Japan" to commercialize production of 20,000 M. T. of all types of tire, tube and flap for passenger cars, light trucks and truck & bus vehicles, in "DENA" terminated its relations with Bridgestone Japan and became a nationalized company under the name of "DENA" tire and rubber MFG. Co. "Owing to the privatization economy policy of the government since 1994 all the shares belong to the governments sector was taken over by private sector.

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