Intensifying Pressure on Sunni Prisoners in Karoun Prison in Iran.


NCRI – According to reports received from inside Iran, the officers and guards in Karoun prison in Ahvaz have intensified pressure on the two Sunni prisoners in this prison.

The two men whose names are Shokrollah Sakhravi and Jaber Sakhravi have been sentenced to 17 years in prison and are in poor physical condition. Jaber Sakhravy has lost his eyesight due to tortures and is partially paralyzed. Their families visit and request from the wardens for treatment of their children have gone in vain.

Meanwhile, according to another report from Ahvaz, the regime’s security forces and Intelligence agents raided people’s homes in the city on Thursday 1 September 2016 and arrested a number of young people.

The police officers and security agents in this brutal assault climbed up the walls of people’s homes and positioned themselves on the roofs to create atmosphere of fear and terror.

The names of three of those who were arrested are Reza Savari, Hadi Savari and Ali Abu Walid Ahvazi. The reason for their arrest has not been explained to their families so far.

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