Human Rights: Surge in executions under ‘moderate’ Rouhani continues in Iran

NCRI – The Iranian regime has hanged 13 prisoners, including two women, at two prisons in the regime since Tuesday this week.

The executions come after 20 others were also put to death at the weekend – and more than 300 since new ‘moderate’ president Hassan Rouhani came to power in June.

Seven of those executed at Orumiyeh prison on Tuesday have been identified as Kamel Saeidi, Kamel Habibi, Zaki Khani, Mohammad Gorgi, Mosib Sadati, Vali Mohammadzadeh and Yadollah Mahmoudi – the first six being Kurds executed on drug related charges.

Two other prisoners hanged in Rajai Shahr Prison, Karaj, on Wednesday were among the four transferred to solitary confinement the previous day ahead of their death sentences. One was identified as Rahbar and had been in prison for 8 years.

The other was an sick woman named as Mitra Shahnavazi – who had spent the past 11 years behind bars for killing a security agent – and who was dragged from her bed in the prison clinic by guards to be taken to the gallows.

Last weekend, the regime executed at least 20 other prisoners including 18 political prisoners in Zahedan, Khoramabda and Salmas.

The death sentence of another Kurdish political prisoner, has now also been confirmed and now he awaits execution.

He was named as Mansour Arvand, who has been held in ward 12 of Orumiyeh central prison since his arrest in May 2011 on charges of waging war on God by cooperating with a Kurdish group.

Amnesty International expressed concern over the lives of two Kurdish prisoners as surge in executions continues in Iran.


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