Human Rights In Iran, Legitimate Opposition And Policy

Press Release: British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom
For immediate Press Release British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom
Human Rights In Iran, The Legitimate Opposition And A New Western Policy
Scoop :A day after the “UN Human Rights Day” cross party parliamentarians gathered in the House of Commons to condemn human rights abuses inside Iran. Amongst the speakers were a former Home Secretary and a former senior UN human rights official.

They demanded support for Iran’s legitimate opposition movement and the recognition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) as the future interim government of that country.
While much has been made of the Iranian regime’s nuclear ambitions, the speakers were determined to highlight the continued suffering of the Iranian people. The conference was addressed by Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI. She told the gathered members of parliament via video link that, “…the West must make the continuation of their political relations with the regime conditional on the ending of hanging and torture of prisoners.” Mrs Rajavi ended her speech by demanding an entire change in Western policy, to one which has at the heart of it regime change and the overthrow of the current regime by the Iranian people and their opposition movement.
Lord Waddington QC, former Home Secretary supported Mrs Rajavi stating, “It is time that the UK and other governments break their silence against the atrocities of the Iranian regime. They must also offer support to those who are working towards regime change in Iran.”
Baroness Turner said “It is time to adopt a new policy on Iran. The Iranian opposition under the leadership of Mrs Rajavi deserves recognition. It is the right
policy to be on the side of the Iranian people and it is also the right policy as far as global peace and security is concerned.
Brian Binley said “Sanctions must be tightened and linked to Iran’s human rights record. Iran’s human rights record must be referred to the UN Security Council and all political dealings with Iran should be halted. The regime must be expelled from all the internationals forums and organisations and its UN seat must be offered to the Iranian Opposition, the NCRI”.
Other speakers included David Amess MP, Baroness Blood, Lord King of West Bromwich, Sir Geoffrey Bindman, Lord Maginnis of Drumglass Steve McCabe MP, Malcolm Fowler of the Law Society of England and Wales and Dowlat Nourouzi the NCRI’s UK Representative.
British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom 11 December 2012

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