Glance and Iran State Media: Worsening COVID-19 Crisis


In recent days, Iran’s state media acknowledged parts of the country’s crises and how these crises affect the restive society.
Iran is plagued with the Covid-19 crisis. Due to the regime’s inhumane coronavirus policy and absence of general vaccination, the mortality and infection rate continue rapidly across Iran.
The Covid-19 crisis is one of the main topics discussed in Iran’s state media.
In recent days the regime officials authorized the travel of 40,000 pilgrims to Iraq on the occasion of Arbaʽeen. Arbaʽeen is a religious observance that occurs forty days after the Day of Ashura and the martyrdom of Hossain ibn Ali, the third Shi’ite Imam.
The regime uses these religious ceremonies to spread terrorism and strengthen its foothold in Iraq. Sending people to Iraq amid the Covid-19 outbreak would spread the Covid-19 across Iran and Iraq.

“Officials should answer for the surge of Covid-19 patients, which would certainly result from this decision. Why those top officials ignore the health experts’ advice?” wrote the state-run Johmhuri-e Eslami on Saturday, September 5.
The Iranian regime started systematically plundering people parallel with refusing to vaccinate the population. The so-called “drug and medicine mafia” affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) and the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei continue plundering people who suffer from the Covid-19.
“Beyond its high death toll and infection rate, the coronavirus in Iran reveals new dimensions of medical embezzlements, drug mafia, lack of treatment strategy, managerial weaknesses and diplomacy, etc.,” wrote the state-run Hamdeli daily on September 5.
“The Russians have signed a contract with October to produce the Sputnik vaccine in Iran and deliver it to Russia, not Iran. In fact, Russia has outsourced the production of the vaccine, and the Sputnik vaccine produced in Iran does not reach domestic consumption and is exported,” Hamdeli wrote, quoting Mohammed Kariminia, the Deputy of the regime’s bio-defense headquarters.

Hamdeli acknowledges: “Some of the medicines used to treat coronavirus have become a controversial topic these days. So, once again, the name of the drug mafia has come to the fore. One of the most widely used drugs is Remdesivir.”
“Needless to say, the insistence on prescribing and using non-useful drugs such as RamedSavir has a dark side and indicates the activities of the drug and treatment mafia in the health structure of the country,” Hamdeli wrote adding, “According to Ghazizadeh Hashemi, a member of the Covid-19 National Headquarter, the Drug Mafia, made a large profit from the sale of serum and medicines. The drug mafia earns 3 trillion tomans a month by selling serum and some Covid-19 medicines.”
Alireza Zali, the head of Tehran’s Covid-19 response committee, acknowledged that the regime’s authorities had declined to purchase doses of proven vaccines simply because they were averse to the idea of taking on the relevant costs. “We spent 720 million Euros on RamedSavir while we had to spend that money on vaccines,” he said.
While referring to Zali’s admission, Hamdeli acknowledged that “the delay in procuring vaccines is also related to the drug and medicine mafia.”
The procuring of vaccines in Iran was not delayed. Khamenei banned the entry of credible vaccines in January 2021 and insisted on producing the so-called “domestic” vaccines. These vaccines were produced under the supervision of Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO), one of many huge financial institutions under Khamenei’s control.

Meanwhile, Masoud Nilly, one of the regime’s economists, on September 5, acknowledged that if the vaccination process continues, it “makes it impossible for us to get out of the pandemic situation. As a result, the specific circumstances we now observe may continue.”
Amid Iran’s worsening economic crises, people should pay for receiving their vaccine doses or medicines. “An inflationary tsunami has further pushed back the programs to control Covid-19 in the country. Amid the crisis, medicine and oxygen are scarce, and many patients die at home due to their inability to pay for medicine and treatment. The cost of hospitalizing patients in private and non-governmental hospitals has also skyrocketed,” the state-run Arman daily wrote in this regard on September 5.
As the regime continues its inhumane Covid-19 policy and other malign activities, state-run media warn about people’s reactions. The state-run Jahan-e Sanat daily on September 5 wrote: “The system, with 43 years of experience, can no longer try and make mistakes, and if it wants to continue on the same path as before, it will lead to disaster. [The regime] should not ignore the inner anger of the people about the current situation. Before it becomes too late.”

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