Germany Condemns Execution of Iranian Juvenile Ali Kazemi


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Chair of the German government’s human rights office condemned the execution of Ali Kazemi on Wednesday, January 31, and called the execution “unacceptable” and “violation of international treaties.” Barbel Kofler also called for a moratorium on the execution of Hamid Ahmadi who was a juvenile at the time of the alleged crime in Iran. “The policy of execution should be stopped,” she said.Ali Kazemi, who was accused at the age of 15 of killing another person during a group dispute, served nearly 7 years in prison before the execution was implemented at the age of 22. According to Amnesty International, he was executed last Tuesday in Bushehr.

According to the German government’s human rights office, this is at least the second case of juvenile executions in Iran in 2018 in which the defendant were under the legal age (under 18) at the time of the alleged crime.
Amnesty International also condemned the execution of Ali Kazemi on Tuesday, calling it “extremely cruel”.

Barbel Kofler has also called on the Iranian regime to stop the execution of another 27-year-old, Hamid Ahmadi, who has been sentenced to death. Hamid Ahmadi was also charged with murder at age 17. Ms. Kofler has said that there is “serious doubts” about compliance with the law in Hamid Ahmadi’s trial.

The German government’s human rights chair has stated in a statement: “The policy of execution must be stopped.” The statement considers these executions as a direct violation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Iran is a signatory.

According to Deutsche Welle in Farsi, although Germany is committed to the nuclear deal with Iran, but criticises the Iranian regime for human rights violations in the country, its support of the radical groups in the Middle East and regional policies as well as its the long-range missile program.

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