Friends of Free Iran condemned executions in Iran

Friends of a Free Iran inter-group in the European Parliament, which enjoys the active support of over 100 MEPs, in a statement condemned the execution "a large number of people, including several political prisoners in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran" by the Iranian regime and called "on the EU to condemn strongly these executions and immediately to suspend all its diplomatic ties with the Iranian regime".

Text of Press Release by Friends of Free Iran

August 1, 2007

In the last two weeks, the Iranian regime has executed a large number of people, including several political prisoners in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran.

In recent years thousands of political prisoners have been executed in the Evin prison. Mrs Zahra Kazemi, the Iranian born Canadian journalist was murdered in the same prison.

Executing political prisoners such as members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as common criminals under the pretext of drugsmugglers has been a common practice in Iran.

By carrying out these executions during the summer vacation, the regime intends tominimize the international consequences of these barbarities.

Friends of a Free Iran inter-group in the European Parliament, which enjoys the active support of over 100 MEPs, expresses its disgust over these human rights violations and calls on the EU to condemn strongly these executions and immediately to suspend all its diplomatic ties with the Iranian regime until these executions are stopped and the minimum individual rights of the people are respected.

We and many of our colleagues in the European Parliament, who represent millions of European citizens, look forward to bring to a halt the failed policy of engagement and appeasement currently being pursued to no avail by the West. Instead of labeling the Iranian opposition as terrorists, which has surely emboldened Tehran to step up its repression, the European Union should start a dialogue with the Iranian Resistance. This dialogue will definitely convey a good , encouraging message to the Iranian people and will put Europe on their side.

Paulo Casaca, MEP
Co-Chair, Friends of a Free Iran

Struan Stevenson MEP
Vice President of EPP-ED Group
Co-Chair, Friends of a Free Iran

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