French Socialist Party denounces repression in Iran

The French Socialist Party issued the following statement denouncing the repression of women and youths in Iran in recent days:

The human rights situation and freedoms of the citizens continues to worsen in Iran. The arrest of tens of students and workers who protested against their terms of studies and employment has continued during the past days by humiliation, violence and sometimes through bloody repression against women who according to authorities did not respect the Islamic dress code.

International and Iranian organizations defending the human rights denounced the intolerable actions directed against the opponents in Iran, in particular towards the women.

The socialist Party resents the persistent violation of the rights and freedoms of the citizens in Iran and denounces repression against the Iranian women, made in the name of religion in an intolerant and arbitrary manner.

Iran being signatory of the declaration of the United Nations Human Rights, the socialist Party supports the actions of the international and Iranian organizations at the UN to force Iran respect its obligations.

Official statement of Laurence Rossignol, National Secretary for Women’s Rights
and of Pierre Moscovici, National Secretary for International Relations

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