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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsFour Iranian Kurds facing death for 'enmity against God'

Four Iranian Kurds facing death for ‘enmity against God’

In an urgent action released on 19th of September, Amnesty International warned against imminent execution of four Iranian Kurds on charges of “enemity against god” (moharebeh) and “corruption on Earth”.

The four are facing imminent execution for their beliefs as the wave of death sentences continues under the regime’s new ‘moderate’ president Hassan Rouhani.

Jamshid Dehghani, his younger brother Jahangir Dehghani, Hamed Ahmadi and Kamal Molayee were all arrested in June and July 2009 on charges of ‘enmity against God’ (moharebeh) and ‘corruption on earth’ (ifsad fil-arz).


They were taken by plain clothes agents believed to be from the Ministry of Intelligence to an MoI detention centre in Sanandaj, Kordestan, according to a report by human rights group Amnesty International.

There they were held in solitary confinement in Sanandaj and Hamedan, western Iran, until February 2011, when they were transferred to Raja’i Shahr Prison in Karaj, near Tehran.

They were sentenced to death by Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran on November 14, 2010, in a trial in which they were the assistance of a lawyer.

All four have now been informed that their death sentences have been upheld by the Supreme Court and that their cases have been transferred to the Office for the Implementation of Sentences, the official body in charge of carrying out executions, which is expected carry out the sentences within days.

Prior to this NCRI had reported that Security and intelligence forces in a prison in the city of Saqez, Kurdistan, attacked several imprisoned political and religious activists on Saturday, September 14. The security forces also provoked several ordinary prisoners to join them in this attack, beating the prisoners.

The prison wards then transferred one of the prisoners, identified as Farzad Samadi to solitary confinement and deprived two other political and religious activists, Othman and Aram Mikael from having visitors and phone calls.