Iran: For ex-political prisoner Rouhani is a criminal


“You cannot take his photo, lest they recognize the place he lives”… To meet Farzhad Madadzadeh, the Iranian human rights activist of 29 who fled his country in August 2015, requires serious precautions. The activist spent five years in prison sadly Tehran and Karaj famous. He was tortured, “physically and psychologically “, a French daily writes.

According to an article published in a number French news outlets including Le Fait de Jour, Farzad denounced “complacency” of Western countries vis-à-vis Iran. “This is a fatal error: encourage Iran with financial benefits, is to give it money to export terrorism, continue repression and thus perpetuate the regime.” This ex-prisoner would like France to condemn the violations of human rights and “Conditioning diplomatic relations and policies to ending of the repression.” Iran remains, according him “the godfather of terrorism, and a destabilizing factor in the Middle East.”

“The fire under the embers,” he said.

Hassan Rouhani described as ‘moderate’ makes him smile. “There had been other moderates as Khatami, but Rouhani, an important official of the regime for 37 years is aware of all crimes … He is only there to protect the regime, not to serve the interests of the Iranian people.”

Farzhad Madadzadeh was in prison when Rouhani was elected. “Repression rose, women were attacked by acid, the situation deteriorated: 2000 people have been executed since his arrival, every eight hours a person is killed in Iran for his opinion, political or religious.”

The rapprochement with the West and the “normalization of relations” have not brushed away his hopes. There have been multiple demonstrations in the country lately. “Young people are awake and they want freedom. There is fire under the embers. This is the best time to put the pressure on the regime. “

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