Football fans encouraged to ‘temporary marriages’

Mullahs’ hideous pretext to prevent protests by youths at football matches
On December 3rd during a football match between two teams from the cities of Tabriz and Tehran in the capital’s Azadi Stadium, the mullahs’ regime dispatched a number of its clerics and thugs to the stadium as ‘marital advisors’ to encourage the fans to ‘temporary marriages’ in an attempt to distract them from any possible protests at the stadium. The fans chanted slogans mocking these so-called advisors and making a huge embarrassment of this hideous pretext generated from the mullahs’ repulsive principles.

Azeri fans supporting the Tabriz team took off their shirts protesting the dire conditions of the quake stricken regions of Azerbaijan cities, especially in the winter cold, and the regime’s refusal to provide the minimum necessities for these victims. These fans stood with their shirts off and chanted slogans against the mullahs’ regime. In response, elements of the regime’s State Security Force units severely attacked the protesters. Clashes between Azeri fans and the regime’s repressive agents continued throughout the match.

Dear athletes and sport fans,
It has been 33 years since the mullahs have committed the worst insults and gravest crimes against Iran’s athletes and national heroes, and the entire people in general. Dozens of Iran’s national heroes have been murdered by this infamous regime, and quake victims in Azerbaijan, Bam and other cities and towns across the country are in the harshest of conditions, with poverty and hardships engulfing the lives of millions of our compatriots. This is while the mullahs’ are allocating Iran’s enormous wealth for the spread of terrorism, obtaining nuclear weapons, and supporting criminals such as Bashar Assad and Nouri Maliki.
Now is the time for all athletes and sports fans who consider athletic heroes such as Puriyaye Vali and renowned wrestler Gholamreza Takhti as their symbols, anywhere in Iran and around the world to rise against this anti-Iran regime. It is the time to rise and the mullahs are is one the verge of downfall and overthrow, and the world is taking steps towards the freedom of the great nation of Iran. Onward to freedom.

Moslem Iskandar Filabi
Sports Commission Chairman
National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 6, 2012

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