Five million sites filtered in Iran

NCRI – Brig. Gen. Ahmad Roosbehni, chief of the mullahs' Ethics Police said, "Webmasters of illegal internet sites have been spotted. Some arrests have also been made in this regard and violators have been referred to judicial authorities," reported the state-run news agency ILNA on Sunday.

Since 2006 in excess of 5 mln sites have been filtered in Iran, ILNA added.

According to a bill passed by the mullahs' Majlis (parliament), Roosbehni is a member of so-called "filtering" committee in charge of finding and blocking websites deemed unfit by the regime's suppressive measures. Other members of the committee are ministers or representatives from Education, Communications and Information Skills, Justice, Science, Culture and Islamic Guidance ministries. In addition to those members, a representative from state radio and television, a member of mine and industry and judiciary committees in the parliament must be present in the meetings.

The mullahs make no secret of their frantic opposition to internet use by the citizens, especially the youths.

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