Execution of Iranian woman postponed

The Iranian regime has postponed the execution of 26-year-old Rayhaneh Jabbari who had been sentenced to death for having stabbed in self-defence an agent of the Iranian regime’s notorious ministry of Intelligence, when he tried to sexually assault her.

Following information about the transfer of Ms Jabbari to Gohardasht notorious prison for her execution, international human rights organizations as well as a group of members of the European Parliament called for urgent action to save her life.

A statement issued by the U.S. State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki said Washington is deeply troubled by reports that Iranian authorities are finalizing plans to execute Reyhaneh. She noted that “Such an execution would mark a severe violation of the fair trial guarantees afforded to Ms. Jabbari under Iranian law and Iran’s international obligations.”

“While we note reports that the execution may have been postponed, serious concerns remain about the integrity of the legal case against Ms. Jabbari, including reports of confessions made under severe duress,” the statement added.

Ms. Jabbari, a decorator, has been in prison since seven and a half years ago when she used a cold weapon to defend herself against an intelligence agent. In a deceptive scheme, this intelligence agent intended to sexually assault her which forced her into defending herself.

The scuffle led to the killing of intelligence agent. The henchmen of the clerical regime placed Rayhaneh under savage tortures to extract forced confession.

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