EU Policy Has Encouraged Iran Regime’s Internal Repression and Crimes in Syria



NCRI – On the eve of the Human Rights Day, European lawmakers held a conference at the European Parliament on Wednesday December7. They strongly condemned the violations of human rights in Iran and urged the EU High Representative, Federica Mogherini and Member States to condition the expansion of relationships with Iran to the halt of executions.

This meeting was held by the initiative of the Friends of a Free Iran intergroup at the European Parliament, which has support of some 300 MEPs from different political groups. The keynote speaker was the Iranian opposition leader, Maryam Rajavi who heads the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

A number of MEPs from various European countries spoke at the event, the following are opening remarks and speech by Ms. Anthea McIntyre, MEP from UK:

Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome and thank you all very much for coming here today. This meeting has been organized by the Friends of a Free Iran at the European Parliament and we know, we enjoy the support from about 300 MEPs from different political groups and from many countries.

We have gathered on the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, and we are absolutely delighted to have Mrs Maryam Rajavi with us, who as you all know is President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. I think you all know Madam Rajavi is regarded as the number one enemy of the mullahs. Because she leads an anti-fundamentalist movement which believes in a tolerant and democratic Islam, a secular government for a free future for Iran and the abolition of the dath penalty which is very important for us here in Europe.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, for years we have been told that there are moderates and there are hardliners in Iran and that we should support the moderates in order to improve human rights situation in Iran.

The nuclear accord with Iran was also presented as the beginning of a new era which would lead to respect for human rights situation in Iran and an end to their meddling in the region. And that assumption has been at the heart of EU policy on Iran.

However, my friends, we should take a very close look at the record of the last 3 years under Rouhani: More people have been hanged under the so called “moderate” Rouhani than during the time of Ahmadinejad. Rouhani has not said a word against these executions. Indeed, he defends the death sentences as the rule of God. Religious and ethnic minorities are suppressed more than ever before. And Iran has increased its participation in the massacre of Syrian people.
But EU policy makers have completely ignored these realities. They’re advocating more trade and more business deals with this regime. Let us not forget that most of Iran’s economy is run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards NOT by ordinary Iranian businessmen.
So the EU policy has encouraged the mullahs to continue their internal repression and to carry on crimes in Syria in support of Bashar Assad.

Just one example is the complete failure of the international community to deal with the mass executions in Iran and in particular the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, mainly from the PMOI in 1988. Those responsible are still holding key positions. The current minister of Justice in Rouhani’s cabinet was a member of the “Death Commission” which was responsible for thousands of executions. And Pour Mohammadi says that he is proud of his role in executing thousands of PMOI members in prison.

This frankly shames the free world. It is totally unacceptable for the EU to remain silent and continue business as usual with such a regime.

Our High Representative Mrs. Mogherini must condemn the 1988 massacre as a crime against humanity. The EU should put firm conditions on its future relations with Iran. We must demand a stop to the executions of children. We must demand justice for women. We must demand respect for human rights. The people of Iran expect us from Europe to stand up for them, and not to ignore their suffering. We should side with the people of Iran and not with the brutal dictators in Iran. And that I think is the clear message that should go out from us here today. So it gives me enormous pleasure now to ask Madam Rajavi to address us. She is a woman of enormous dignity, of resilience, of strength for whom we have enormous respect. So Maryam, we look forward to hearing from you.

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