EU condemns ‘growing repression’ of human rights in Iran

Brussels, DPA, 23 October 2007 – The European Union on Tuesday condemned what it called a climate of "growing repression" in Iran following crackdowns on journalists and human rights activists in the Islamic Republic. "The EU remains deeply concerned at the growing repression against all groups which exercise their right to freely express their opinions, and at the escalation of restrictions on freedom of the press and freedom of expression in the Islamic Republic of Iran," the EU presidency – currently run by Portugal – said in a statement.

"The EU condemns the closure of newspapers, magazines and of the Iranian Labour News Agency, as well as the arrest and persecution of journalists, web bloggers, and human rights defenders for exercising their right to freedom of expression," the statement added.

The case of three students of the Amir Kabir university – Ehsan Masoori, Ahmad Ghassaban and Majid Tavakkoli – was also highlighted. The trio have been jailed "for a crime that, according to Ayatollah Sharoudi’s declarations, they did not commit," the statement said.

"These sentences constitute a serious violation of Iran’s international human rights obligations," it added.

The EU called on Iran to "comply with its international human rights commitments" and to review its restrictions on political activism "to ensure free and democratic elections."

The statement on behalf of the 27-member bloc was also supported by European non-member states ranging from Norway and Iceland to Ukraine, Moldova and the states of the former Yugoslavia. 

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