Egyptian judges and lawyers call on Obama to ensure Camp Ashraf protection

NCRI – 153 of the most prominent judges, jurists, and law professors in Egypt have written to US President Barack Obama demanding that American forces ensure the protection of Camp Ashraf residents in Iraq.

Camp Ashraf, Iraq, is home to about 3,400 Iranian dissidents, members of the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

The letter was signed by the chairman of the Society of Egyptian Lawyers in Defense of Ashraf and 152 other personalities and makes reference to the widespread influence of the religious fascism ruling Iran in Baghdad.

The Egyptian figures wrote, “The Iranian regime is a threat to global peace and security. Sadly, by exploiting the current situation in Iraq, it has imposed its influence over this country. Unfortunately, the current Iraqi government has trampled on all the dignified values due to its ties to the Iranian regime and does not cherish democracy, Iraq’s interests and the Iraqi people’s dignity and honor.”

The Egyptian judges and lawyers added, “According to the Iranian regime’s president, this regime is trying to fill the vacuum created by the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq in circumstances where the chairman of the armed forces of Iraq has said that Iraqi forces will not be ready to ensure security in the country on their own until the year 2020.”

In their letter to President Obama, the Egyptian lawyers and judges also pointed to the threats faced by Ashraf residents in Iraq and said, “We are aware of the fatal attacks by Iraqi forces against Ashraf last summer, which led to the killing of 11 and wounding of 500 other residents. Iraqi forces have also laid a harsh siege on Ashraf and prevent the flow of basic necessities for the residents into the camp. The government of [Prime Minister Nouri] al-Maliki is committing these crimes at the behest of the Iranian regime.”

The letter goes on to say, “In view of the fact that the Iranian regime has intensified its efforts against Ashraf simultaneous with the withdrawal of a portion of American forces from Iraq, and in light of the fact that its new ambassador who is one of the main commanders of the terrorist Qods Force has been sent to Iraq for this purpose, we urge you to ensure that American forces guarantee the protection of Ashraf residents on the basis of America’s international obligations.”

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