Degrading public punishment in Iran

NCRI – Two young men were paraded in a degrading manner by Iran’s State Security Forces (SSF) in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashad, Iran’s state-run Qods daily reported on Monday.

“Two hooligans in Mashad, one of them aged 20, were arrested. Upon the order of a judicial official they were paraded with a sign hanged from their neck”, the report said.

NCRI – Two young men were paraded in a degrading manner by Iran’s State Security Forces (SSF) in the northeastern Iranian city of Mashad, Iran’s state-run Qods daily reported on Monday.

“Two hooligans in Mashad, one of them aged 20, were arrested. Upon the order of a judicial official they were paraded with a sign hanged from their neck”, the report said.

Such degrading punishments are systematically used in Iran by the SSF for petty “crimes” in order to embarrass and humiliate the youth in their neighborhood.

This is part of the Iranian regime’s campaign to spread fear among the nation and intimidate the young people.

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