Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran: What Is the Solution to This Ongoing Crisis?

Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran
Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran

As the coronavirus continues to rapidly spread across Iran, leaving more casualties, the question is: what is the solution?  

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) announced on Monday, that the coronavirus has so far claimed the lives of nearly 15,000 people across Iran.

The regime was fully aware of the spread of the COVID-19 since the very first days. Yet, to have a larger turnout during its sham parliamentary elections in February, and to continue its business interests with China, the regime concealed the truth from the public, and its airlines such as the Revolutionary Guards’ Mahan Air continued their flights to China.   

When the news of the extent of this crisis was revealed by the MEK network and by ordinary people online, the regime, while began to arrest those who were telling the truth, and thereafter reluctantly confirmed the existence of this virus yet tried to downplay it and kept lying about it.  

The regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani, played a leading role in this campaign of deception and lying. He said: “We are not among countries where its patients are lying on the floor in the hospitals or the number of deaths is so high that the dead must be transferred with freezer trucks. “The country’s health and therapeutic infrastructure is so firm that it could stand tall until today, and even if it takes weeks our health system is ready”, Rouhani also claimed.  

Simultaneously other top regime officials, such as its supreme leader Ali Khamenei, spoke of a conspiracy theory and bioterrorism by the United States.  On March 22, Khamenei said: “Firstly, you (The U.S.) are facing shortages of your own … If you have anything, use it yourself. Secondly, you have allegedly produced the virus. One must be insane to trust that you will bring medicine. Your drugs may even spread the disease further or make the virus permanent. Or, if you send a doctor or physician, you may want to closely test the toxic effects of the virus you have created. Because it’s said that given the knowledge about Iranian genes, part of the virus has been specially created for Iran.”  

While the regime tried to downplay the crisis in Iranits apologists, taking the lives of the Iranian people hostage, tried to shift the blame on the U.S. sanctions to either be able to put pressure on the U.S. to lift its sanctions, or raise sympathy and somehow end its unprecedented international isolation. Sanctions have left a crushing effect on the regime’s network of terrorism, and since terrorism is one of the regime’s pillars of existence, it needs them to be removed. But the question is: if the regime really cares about people’s lives, why hasn’t it released prisoners despite daily rebellions in Iranian prisons? Why has the regime expelled Doctors Without Borders who were in Iran to build a makeshift hospital and why has it refused U.S. aid? Humanitarian aid is not included in the U.S. sanctions. If the regime really cares about people, why on one hand has it increased its oppressive measures and imposed undeclared martial law yet doesn’t provide people with their necessary needs so the Iranian people shouldn’t be forced to go to work?  The regime won’t be able to release prisoners or stop its oppressive forces, because its other pillar of existence is domestic oppression. After killing over 1500 people during the Iran protests in November, the regime knows that consenting to people’s minimum demands will lead to its downfall. On the other hand, if it accepts international aid or allows NGOs to enter Iran to help the Iranian people, its cover-up and campaign of deception will fail, and the regime will be more internationally isolated and identified as the true deadly virus.  

In this regard, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said: Expelling Doctors Without Borders, who had come to Isfahan with prior agreement and coordination demonstrates that the mullahs intend to continue their criminal cover-up, especially about the number of fatalities. This shows that the main problem in Iran is the corrupt dictatorship that does not think about anything but how to preserve its grip on power and that human lives are worthless. The regime wants to receive aid without any supervision so that it can put it at the disposal of the IRGC and regime officials. 

For the regime the coronavirus outbreak, as it has been saying, is a security threat. Because the regime and its apologists, like the Iranian people and their resistance, know that the ultimate solution is the regime’s downfall.  

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