Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran: Death Toll Surpasses 17,500 While Regime Hoards a Possible Cure

Favipiravir or Avigan - Japanese drug for COVID-19
Favipiravir or Avigan – Japanese drug for COVID-19

The coronavirus outbreak in Iran has so far taken lives of over 17,500 people, according to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). Shocking news from Iran confirms the regime’s deliberate inaction in curing patients.  

On April 1, news from Iran suggested that an Iranian doctor had dispute with the regime’s Ministry of Health over a Japanese drug that is said to have had a positive effect on a number of patients diagnosed with the coronavirus and has been able to control the disease. 

Mohammad Reza Hashemian, who is said to be one of the most skilled doctors at Masih Daneshvari Hospital iTehrancriticized the regime’s Ministry of Health for preventing patients diagnosed with COVID-19 to have Japanese Favipiravir medication. The doctor said that 27 out of 30 patients had made definitive recovery after using the drug. 

Following the doctor’s remarks which were widely circulated on social media, the regime’s Ministry of Health accused him of violating the law, saying that “conducting any interviews and presenting any kind of report as a confirmation or rejection of the effectiveness of this drug has not been approved by the committee and is considered a violation of law.” (State-run news agencies reported on April 1) 

Since the coronavirus outbreak, the regime has been pursuing a rather criminal pattern of cover-up and inaction. Those who leak the news about the true dimensions of the coronavirus outbreak and real number of victims are being subjected to arbitrary arrest.  

The doctors’ news telegram channel wrote in a post: 

“This drug has also been used to treat Dr. Velayati. It is said that the import of this number of Favipiravir took place in March 2020 with the help of the provincial government. 

The main reason for not delivering this medicine to the patients of Masih Daneshvari Hospital is its storage and use for the treatment of the country’s officials.” 

 In this regard, the state-run Hamshahri news agency on April 3 wrote: “Coronavirus is certainly a virus that infects everyone. Right after entering Iran this virus has infected many. Including members of parliament, ministers, and so on. Since no specific drug has been developed to treat the disease and it can only be prevented by good health, some virtual channels have reported that the anti-coronavirus Favipiravir has entered the country, mainly for officials. For example, it has been used to treat Ali-Akbar Velayati and has had a good response, while doctors say there is still no known drug in the country or in the world to treat coronavirus.” 

However, this state-run news agency failed to answer why there has been a difference in curing officials diagnosed with the COVID-19 and ordinary people who are dying daily? Why thousands of innocent people have passed away while criminals like Velyati were treated.  

Production of “Iranian medicine,” a blatant deception and hypocrisy  

On March 22, 2020, Mohammad Reza Shanesaz, head of the regime’s Food and Drug Administration, spoke of an “Iranian drug” that cures the coronavirus.  “The raw materials for the drug were imported yesterday,” he said. 

“In this way, the process of making a completely Iranian drug will begin, and within the next week to 10 days, we will use Iranian drugs to treat coronavirus,” he added. 

“The clinical trials of this combination drug have been performed and licenses have been obtained,” the regime official said of the drug being tested on several patients. 

“The drug will be available in the next 10 days and will be widely distributed,” he said. (Source: Hamshahri Online) 

The obvious contradiction  

The allegation of sending Iranian medicine to the market was denied 13 days later in an announcement on April 4, by  the Ministry of Health: The Ministry informs that the drug has not yet been imported into the Iranian Pharmacopoeia and is currently being used as a drug in a clinical trial and has been given to several medical centers, including Masih Daneshvari Hospital. The committee has not been notified whether rejecting or approving this medication or taking any further steps should be approved by the [coronavirus] committee. 

The reality  

The truth is that the Iranian regime has been taking people’s lives hostage and using the coronavirus to achieve its sinister goals. While on the one hand the regime rejects any international offer of  help, arrests those who speak the truth, expels Doctors Without Borders from Iran and denies a medication that could possibly treat those diagnosed  with the virus, on the other hand it says that the United States sanctions are the reason behind the high death toll.  

This new revelation, along with other revelations by the Iranian Resistance, confirm how the mullahs’ regime have been hoarding medications and preventive equipment such as masks and disinfectants and allocating them to its own officials.  Yet, it has been whining about the international sanctions. The truth is that the regime has never cared and will never care for the people’s lives. This regime is both incapable and not willing to help the Iranian people; and as long as it is in power every natural disaster in Iran could take the lives of hundreds othousands of people.  

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said: Today, regime change in Iran is indispensable not only to freedom and democracy in Iran but also to the health of each and every individual in Iran and to the protection of their houses, cities and villages against natural disasters. 


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