Converting sports stadium into a human slaughterhouse, another cruel betrayal of the ruling clerics in Iran


Dear compatriots, athletes and sports fans of the country,

The criminal ruling clerics in Iran, in continuing their policies for destroying our  homeland Iran, have resorted to destroying human values of our society.

In every society, sport arenas and gyms are for training and development of the human spirit, humanism, freedom and building a healthy society. In our society, with symbols such as Takhti, who stood tall against tyranny and did not give in, sport has always been attached to the values of sportsmanship, championship, resistance and steadfastness. A tradition that PMOI heroes, such as Habib Khabiri, captain of the Iran’s national soccer team, Mahshid Razzaghi, member of the national soccer team, and Forouzan Abdi continued and were subsequently martyred by the henchmen of the mullahs’ regime.

The anti-human clerical regime that has no other option than repression and intimidation in order to hang on to power, has turned our sports stadiums into human slaughterhouses in order to intimidate the public, especially the youth. In the latest example, on Thursday morning September 22, 2016, coincident with the start of the academic year, a prisoner was hanged in the city stadium of  Neyriz in Fars province, by the henchmen of the regime who are the teachers of ISIS.

On January 26, 2013, when the regime executed a prisoner at the stadium of Sabzevar, FIFA strongly protested. But the clerical regime that respects no law, including international laws, has resorted to this appalling crime.

The Sports Commission of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, asks all national, regional and international sports federations and organizations to strongly condemn this shocking crime and impose adequate sanctions on the clerical regime, and asks all Iranians in Diaspora to go to sports organizations and bodies in their country of residence and demand their reaction.

The NCRI Sports Commission emphasizes that turning stadiums to execution fields is the other side of execution of our most popular sports figures, and asks all athletes and the sports loving people of our country to participate in the litigation campaign for executed political prisoners in which a large number of sporting heroes of our country can be seen, and to rise up against all these repressions and injustice so that with the overthrow of this medieval regime, this dark era is ended and we free our homeland from the filth of these criminals. 

Sports Commission of the National Council of Resistance of Iran

September 23, 2016

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