Continued Poisoning of Female Students in Tehran and Other Iranian Cities

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The plan by Khamenei agents to poison female students to counter the uprising persists. Chemical attacks were carried out on several girls’ schools in Iran, including the Parveen Etesami Girls’ Primary School in Hassan Abad, Sanandaj, the Alimohammadi Girls’ School and the Elahia Girls’ High School in Baneh, Kimia Girls’ Conservatory, and a girls’ school in Kumail Street, Kermanshah, as well as many others. The police even threatened students at Elahia High School after the chemical attack.

On Monday, May 1, students from several girls’ schools in Tehran (Efaf and Sajjadieh schools) and other cities such as Kermanshah (Jafari school), Saqqez (Meraj and Bint Al-Hoda schools), Harsin (Fatemeh school), and Fardis Karaj (Tharullah school) were poisoned and taken to medical centers. At least 40 students were sent to the hospital at Jafari Girls’ High School in Kermanshah. At Fatemeh School in Harsin City, school officials closed the door and forbade parents from entering. In Saqqez, repressive forces attacked Meraj school and beat students, leaving one student injured in the head.

On Sunday, April 30, students at Esparvarin High School for Girls in Karaj and on Saturday, students at Sama High School for Girls, Kar Danesh Abrar High School for Girls in Tehran, and Mahdizadeh Nia High School for Girls in Mashhad were also poisoned.

On Tuesday, the students at one of the schools in Kermanshah that were chemically attacked stated that they witnessed a smoke package being thrown by a drone into the schoolyard.

Regime authorities continue to lie, deny, and threaten. According to the Fars news agency, on May 3, Ali Alizadeh, a member of the regime’s parliament, said: “The rumormongers and the liars in the case of the plight of the students should be treated such that they learn a lesson in order to prevent similar cases in the future.” Additionally, the Ferraro website reported on May 1, quoting Ali Pourradi, the director general of education in East Azerbaijan: “Regarding the incidents of last March in girls’ schools in Tabriz and some cities of the province, he said: It seems that the matter had a psychological and suggestive aspect.”

The Iranian Resistance once again emphasizes the necessity of a comprehensive and impartial investigation into the systematic poisoning of thousands of schoolgirls throughout Iran by an “independent international fact-finding commission.” If the mullahs’ regime is telling the truth that it is not a case of poisoning and the issue is psychological and inductive, it should welcome such investigations!

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

May 3, 2023

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