Britain’s Cameron calls for new sanctions on regime

NCRI – The Iranian regime is vulnerable and only survives by suppression of political opposition, Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron said on Wednesday.

“They are already suffering from international sanctions their economy is weak and vulnerable and the regime only survives by cracking down on its political opposition,” the British Prime Minister said referring to the regime.


Speaking in Doha, Qatar, Mr. Cameron said that Tehran “remains a grave concern” because of its intent to acquire nuclear weapons, according to Britain’s Daily Telegraph.

The paper also quoted Mr. Cameron as saying, “On its current path Iran is set to become an international pariah state with no friends, no money, nowhere to go.”

Mr Cameron raised the prospect of further restraints on the regime’s international trade and financial activities, the paper added.

“British officials said Mr Cameron hopes to agree new sanctions that would be imposed by “like-minded” nations like the US and France.”

“Those new curbs would be imposed outside either the UN or European Union sanctions regimes, they said,” according to Daily Telegraph.

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